Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Not shopping cart; go-cart.

Originally uploaded by mrkugler
Seriously... Who drives a go-cart to the grocery store in KC? Do they drive on the regular roads or are there dirt trails just for go-carts? Lame.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Awesome cat.

Awesome cat.
Originally uploaded by mrkugler
This is the best poster ever.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Thanks again, Independence.

Mullet over for a while.
Originally uploaded by mrkugler
What a real treat for me today. I saw a total blast from the past today. This lady had a great fem-ullet, denim pants with an elastic waistband and a fanny-pack stuffed with goodies. You know, cigs, lottery tickets and probably her car keys with a dreamcatcher keychain.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hey Danica, good luck.

Hey Danica, good luck.
Originally uploaded by mrkugler
Sometimes I react strangely around famous people. I get really tense and who knows what'll come out. Once I saw a football player for the KC Chiefs at a bar playing pool. I went up to him and told him thanks for keeping it real for the home team. WHAT?! In this recent 'Danica' instance, I kept it real.