Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Old people can be bullies too.

Yesterday Meg and I went to Panera Bread Co. to eat. (I always think it's funny to call it Pantera Bread Co.) Anyhoo, while we were in line, this elderly lady came up and asked if we were in line. Then she said, "I can't read the menu from here," and walked up closer. Then... she cut in line. After we ordered, I walked up to her and she apologized for cutting in line, but it was too late! I told her she was sneaky and I knew her kind. As I was walking to my seat I walked past her and elbowed her gently as she was in my way. I hope it didn't leave a big bruise on her liver-spotted hands. If it did, maybe she'll look down at it in the next couple of months and realize that cutting corners doesn't pay off.

Megan told me to be nice to her because she doesn't have as long to live as I do. I said that I was mad at her for getting to live a long, cushy life (eating at Panera). Then I chomped on my potato chips as loud as I could in her general direction.

Well, we did leave the restaurant before she did. We win.

No, I win.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


Originally uploaded by mrkugler
Why do people do this? Why do they put a tribute to someone who has died on their car windows? And why are they always crappy cars? This gem is framed by a chevrolet logo and is in some weird Lord of the Rings-ish font. Oh, and there's the happy and sad drama masks painted on the trunk of the car. Wow. Thanks Independence.

Monday, June 1, 2009

DWIGHT, HOW great thou ARD.

I was in the shower thinking of all the great Dwights and Howards throughout time. First the Dwights:

Dwight Howard. Superman:


Dwight Yoakum (ripper):

Dwight Schrute:

and Dwight (sneezy) Gooden:

For the Howards, we have:
Moe Howard:
moe howard

Curly Howard:

and Howard the Duck:

Honorable mention goes to Howard Johnson (the baseball player and hotel).

But the closest to Dwight Howard's name is Dwight D. Eisenhoward. I know that's not how you spell it.

I'm going to bed.